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Science for Forensics


Official Name of Program

Science for Forensics



Degree Designation

AS - Associate in Science



NYSED Program Code

32347 - SF-AS

CIP Code


The Dual/ Joint A.S. /B.S. degree program in Science for Forensics is a collaboration between Queensborough Community College and John Jay College of Criminal Justice. After earning their A.S. degree in Science for Forensics at QCC, with a GPA of 2.5 or better in the foundation mathematics and science courses, students will transfer seamlessly to JJC to earn their B.S. in Forensic Science, where they will select from one of three concentrations: criminalistics, toxicology, or molecular biology.

Recent advances in chemistry, biology and computer science have had a great impact on forensics. DNA matching and microscale chemical experimentation have opened new horizons in fields such as forensic science and criminalistics, and created a need for trained professionals. Jobs for the forensic science technicians are increasing nationwide both in state and local governments.

Students graduating from the B.S. program at John Jay have moved on to careers with local and state police crime laboratories, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Bureau of Housing and Urban Development, pharmaceutical companies, private drug testing laboratories, university and corporate research laboratories, as well as graduate programs in toxicology, medicine, analytical chemistry, microbiology, and forensic science. For students who decide to delay pursuit of the B.S., the strong foundation in mathematics and science (chemistry, biology, and physics) will help them find work opportunities or to pursue other science majors. With the A.S. degree in Science for Forensics, QCC graduates can seek entry-level positions at any of the above mentioned employment options. They can also seek employment in the areas of DNA analysis, conducting tests on substances such as hair fiber, tissue, body fluids, and perform other methods of chemical investigation to analyze physical evidence at the crime scene.
