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CUNY Administration

The City University of New York

Board of Trustees

William C. Thompson, Jr., Chairperson
Sandra Wilkin, Vice Chairperson

Michael Arvanites
Henry T. Berger 
Una S. T-Clarke
Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez 
Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel
Kevin Kim 
Mayra Linares-Garcia
Robert F. Mujica 
Brian D. Obergfell
Jill O’Donnell-Tormey 
Herminia Palacio
Ken Sunshine 
Angelo Vivolo

Member Ex Officio

John Verzani, Chairperson, University Faculty Senate

Salimatou Doumbouya, Chairperson, University Student Senate

Officers of the University

Dr. Félix V. Matos, Chancellor

Wendy Hensel, Executive Vice Chancellor & University Provost

Hector Batista, Executive Vice Chancellor & Chief Operating Officer

Derek Davis, Senior Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs & General Counsel

Doriane K. Gloria, Senior Vice Chancellor for University Human Resources & Labor Relations

Glenda Grace, Senior Vice Chancellor for Institutional Affairs & Strategic Advancement and Special Counsel

Maite Junco, Senior Vice Chancellor for Communications & Marketing

Sherif Soliman, Senior Vice Chancellor for Budget & Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Alicia M. Alvero, Vice Chancellor for Academic & Faculty Affairs

Mohamed Attalla, Vice Chancellor for Facilities Planning, Construction and Management

Eusebio Formofo, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and University Chief Information Officer

Denise B. Maybank, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Jeffrey Rodus, Vice Chancellor for Government Affairs

Reine T. Sarmiento, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management

Lauren Andersen, University Associate Provost for Careers & Industry Partnerships

Rosemarie D. Wesson, Associate Vice Chancellor and University Vice Provost for Research

Rachel Stephenson, Chief Transformation Officer

Dolly Martínez, Chancellor’s Chief of Staff and Associate Vice Chancellor for the Executive Office

Gayle M. Horwitz, Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Senior Vice Chancellor