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The Queensborough Community College Auxiliary Enterprise Association, Inc.

The Queensborough Community College Auxiliary Enterprise Association, Inc., is responsible for the oversight, supervision, and review of College auxiliary enterprises such as the performing arts program, QCC bookstore, food service facilities, parking revenues, and other income-generating services. All budgets of auxiliary enterprise funds and all contracts for auxiliary enterprises are developed by the auxiliary enterprise budget and contract committee and reviewed by the auxiliary enterprise board prior to expenditure or execution.

The membership of this association consists of eleven members who serve as its Board of Directors. They are selected as follows: Three members of the administration of the College are appointed by the President of the College; two members of the faculty are appointed by the President and chosen from four faculty members elected by the faculty in accordance with College regulations; the five student members include the student government president, three elected students, and one elected student who represents evening students. The President serves as chairperson of the Board and President of the Association.


The Queensborough Community College Bookstore, the largest CUNY Barnes & Noble Bookstore, located in the W Building, maintains a complete stock of all required and recommended textbooks and paperbacks. The Bookstore services the campus with coffee and snacks in a relaxed lounge setting and an outdoor picnic area. In addition, students can purchase bestseller and discounted books, a complete line of stationery, QCC apparel, Queensborough rings, and other such items.

Food Services

The College offers food service facilities on the Queensborough campus for students (faculty and staff are also welcome). The hours of operation for the Fall and Spring semesters are usually as follows:

Metro Café (Science Building):
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.

Tiger Bites Pizzeria (Student Union, Lower Level):
Monday – Thursday        11:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.