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Health Sciences
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The A.S. degree program in Health Sciences provides the pre-professional training (the first two years) for a broad spectrum of baccalaureate majors in the Health Sciences. Core course distributions meet transfer articulation requirements of specific Bachelor’s degree programs. Students should consult Health Related Sciences Academy advisers for advisement. Students should be aware that completing the A.S. in Health Sciences does not guarantee admission to the articulated programs. Admission to these programs is highly competitive. The requirements for admission may include a specified grade-point average for the degree or for certain courses, a personal interview, or a practical examination. For the admissions requirements of specific articulated programs, students must consult the advisers in each area.Upon completion of the A.S. Degree Program, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a factual and conceptual knowledge of basic biological systems including the structure and function of the human body.
2. Use algebra and statistics to solve problems in the health sciences.
3. Proficiently acquire, process, and analyze scientific information in all its forms.
4. Proficiently convey information specific to the health sciences through technical writing or oral presentation.
5. Use current technology to demonstrate concepts related to the field of health science.
6. Work collaboratively to acquire and analyze data, or solve problems in the field of health sciences.
7. Demonstrate an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities in the field of health sciences.