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Digital Art and Design
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Department(s) Sponsoring Program
Degree Designation
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The A.S. degree program in Digital Art and Design is structured to prepare students to enter the greatly expanding field of new media, a field which has been revolutionized in the last 20 years with the advent of computer graphics programs. In addition to four basic courses that provide a solid background in art, students take five courses in digital art and design, which develop computer skills for fine and applied arts. A required course in the History of Graphic Design gives students an overview of graphic design in historical context. A suggested Art History elective provides a broad knowledge of art in general. With this preparation, students will be able to design for industry.
Digital Art and Design students should take ARTS-192 as Writing Intensive course requirements.
Specifically, the program provides students with:
knowledge of current widely used programs in the design field
proficiency in operating these programs
understanding of the means and methods of mass production of artwork using these programs
skills for working with and understanding the computer and the technical problems associated with operating a computer
knowledge based on awareness of the importance of aesthetic judgment in making design decisions.