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The A.A.S. degree program in Management offers students an opportunity to explore a wide range of business subjects. The curriculum stresses employment skills and prepares students for entry-level positions in professional areas such as sales, advertising, product management, market research, retailing, international business, and small business management. The courses are valuable for current or prospective small business owners and managers, as well as for those pursuing careers in larger profit-making and not-for-profit organizations. It also provides students with a foundation for advanced study in Management/ Marketing related disciplines.
All students in the Management program must complete a common core of 21-22 credits and an additional 22 credits in the major, as described below. They then take the balance of their credits in the career-oriented concentration. Students are advised to check course descriptions for prerequisites and corequisites and to consult with Department of Business faculty advisers to discuss their career plans and individual learning objectives.