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Gallery and Museum Studies
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The A.S. program in Gallery and Museum Studies draws on the unique resources of the QCC Gallery and the Art and Design Department, and offers students foundation courses in administration and curatorial work in art galleries and museums and liberal arts courses necessary for the gallery and museum field. The arts are crucial to the life of a civilized community and a vital component in holistic learning. The Department of Art and Design has a broad offering in courses and curricula, and a well-established and extensive offering in Art History. The QCC Gallery is fast becoming a major educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities. It serves students as a laboratory for discovery and creativity in the visual arts. The Gallery's Permanent Collection focuses on works of contemporary American women artists, Hispanic artists, and works representing the art of Africa. In addition to the major courses of the program—four art history courses, courses in art administration, art institutions and curating, and two gallery or museum internships— students will take one course in business, liberal arts courses in English, a foreign language, chemistry, history, and mathematics. The program has a transfer agreement with the BA program in Art History at Queens College.