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Electronic Engineering Technology


Official Name of Program

Electronic Engineering Technology

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

AAS - Associate in Applied Science



NYSED Program Code

01532 - ET-AAS

CIP Code


Accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET (

The Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree program in Electronic Engineering Technology is a highly structured, laboratory-based curriculum that combines hands-on practice with appropriate basic electrical and electronic theory. The program is applications-oriented and is designed to prepare well-rounded technicians who will compete and succeed in one or more of the fields related to electronic engineering technology.

The Electronic Engineering Technology program at Queensborough Community College is one of the largest and most respected programs of its kind in the United States and is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET (ETAC of ABET).

Graduates of the program will be prepared for the following career and professional accomplishments during the first three to five years following graduation:

  1. Career Preparation and Advancement – Graduates will demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills needed for entry into or advancement in the field of Electronic Engineering Technology.

  2. Engineering Competence - Graduates will be competent technicians with problem solving and design skills, and have the ability to apply mathematics, science and modern engineering software to solve electrical and computer engineering technology problems.

  3. Professional Skills - Graduates will have strong communication skills, and the ability to work successfully in teams.

  4. College Transfer - Graduates will meet the requirements for transfer into the junior year of a baccalaureate program in engineering technology.

  5. Well-rounded Education - Graduates will demonstrate respect for diversity and knowledge of contemporary professional, societal, ethical, and global issues, and they will engage in life-long learning.Recipients of the A.A.S. degree may choose to work in indus-try, continue their academic studies in a Bachelor of Engineering Technology program, or both. The program is under the super-vision of the Engineering Technology Department (ET), which maintains its status as a recognized national leader of Electronic Engineering Technology education through excellence in teaching, scholarship, applied research, and professional service.

The Electronic Engineering Technology program is heavily laboratory-oriented. ET operates ten up-to-date laboratories for student use, including electrical circuits, semi-conductor, microwave and communications, feedback control systems, digital computers, LANS, Internet-based studies and New Media. The laboratories contain professional-level software, simulations systems, and measurement and calibration equipment. Students also become fluent with engineering software such as PSpice, SystemView, and Multisim. The department also sponsors an IEEE club and a Robotics club.

Electrical and electronic engineering technology are among the largest and most rapidly developing technical fields. The Electronic Engineering Technology program focuses on the application of electrical and electronics engineering technology to solve real-world problems. Students learn in a hands-on environment that includes projects throughout the curriculum. They receive a solid foundation of coursework in digital and analog electronic systems, electrical power systems, electrical machinery, solid state systems, microcomputer and micro-controller systems, industrial process control and automation, computer programming and applications, and telecommunications. A wide variety of elective courses are also offered in specialty areas. Faculty advisers work with students and help them plan their academic programs in line with their academic background and personal interests. ET offers many awards, scholarships, internships, and cooperative education opportunities. These opportunities provide students with financial support and help to broaden their knowledge. Students are able to earn college credit while participating in an internship or co-operative education experience.Electronic Engineering Technology program graduates are widely sought by industry. Graduates have an excellent record in finding employment and enjoy relatively high starting salaries. They are employed in such diverse positions as electrical designer, electronic technician, research technician, technical sales rep-resentative, technical writer, and field or customer engineer. New York area companies employing our graduates include: Verizon, Hewlett Packard, Consolidated Edison, IBM, MCS/Canon, Aeroflex, CitiCorp, Kepco Power Supplies, MTA, LIRR, US Postal Service, Keyspan, Lucent, Northrop/Grumman and Underwriters Laboratories.
