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Educational Goals and Objectives


Shaping the Student Experience

Through a nurturing and diverse environment and commitment to academic excellence and rigor, the college seeks to promote critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, global awareness, civic responsibility, and cultural and artistic appreciation.

To help to promote these values and support the holistic development of students, faculty and staff with the Queensborough Academies seek to:

  • Improve student readiness for the academic excellence and rigor of the college experience

  • Leverage best practices and technological solutions to provide personalized advisement and comprehensive support (academic, personal, financial) for degree completion

Supporting Faculty and Staff: Professional Development and Curricular Innovation

Through commitment to academic excellence and rigor and a nurturing and diverse environment, the college seeks to:

  • Improve and enhance comprehensive faculty and staff development and promote community-building practices across campus

  • Support curricular innovation and strive for better alignment with baccalaureate programs and the demands of a dynamic workforce

Shaping Planning, Process, and Practice: Supporting and Sustaining the Environment

In support of college priorities and student success, the college seeks to provide a nurturing and diverse environment characterized by:

  • Integrated planning, supportive technology, and sound infrastructure

  • Fiscal responsibility, institutional advancement, and grant-funding

  • Pre-college, continuing education, and workforce development offerings

  • Cultural and artistic forums and events for the campus and its local communities

Approved by the Academic Senate on February 14, 2017

General Educational Outcomes

A robust general education is founded on the knowledge, concepts, methods, and perspectives that students gain through the study of many academic disciplines. These disciplinary studies stimulate intellectual inquiry, global awareness, and cultural and artistic appreciation: they equip students to make informed judgments and remain engaged beyond the classroom. To that end, QCC promotes educational activities that allow students to demonstrate that they can:

  1. Communicate effectively in various forms

  2. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions

  3. Reason quantitatively as required in various fields of interest and in everyday life

  4. Apply information management and digital technology skills useful for academic research and lifelong learning

  5. Apply scientific methods and reasoning to investigate issues/problems in the natural and social sciences in order to draw conclusions

To support these institutional general education outcomes, the academic departments—through their programs—may also assess the ability of students to:

  • Integrate knowledge and skills in the program of study

  • Make ethical judgments while recognizing multiple perspectives, as appropriate in the program of study

  • Work collaboratively to accomplish learning objectives

Approved by the Academic Senate on February 13, 2018
Outcome #5 Approved by the Academic Senate on April 13, 2021